First Aid at Work
People at work can suffer injuries or be taken ill. It doesn’t matter whether the injury or illness is caused by the work they do or not, it is important to give them immediate attention and call an ambulance in serious cases. You should make arrangements to ensure this happens. It can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones.
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require you to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people so your employees can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill at work.
Occupational Relevance
This course is aimed at learners who wish to become first-aiders in the workplace. This course meets the requirements for training first-aiders in those organisations that have identified that staff need to be trained to this level within their first-aid needs assessment.
The qualification covers knowledge such as the roles and responsibilities of the first aider, how to assess an incident and recognising signs and symptoms of injury and illness. The qualification also covers first aid skills in CPR and use of an AED and assisting a casualty who is suffering from major injury and illness such as chest injuries, spinal injuries and anaphylaxis.
3 days
Upon successful completion of the course you will be awarded an NAL certificate in First Aid at Work.